The Department of Computing at Goldsmiths University London shares a progressive approach to innovating and supporting creative practices engaged with Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. The Department of Computing is dedicated to providing a space of open and inclusive participation in creative and socially aware forms of Computing in all its modes and manifestations.

Goldsmiths has a unique vision of Computing research as an interdisciplinary set of practices, methods and techniques and the collaborative potential between human and AI and Machine Learning is a central focus for both research and practice within the department.



artnet is the leading platform for the global art market. Their journalism, insights and tools are trusted to broaden the knowledge of professionals, private collectors and art enthusiasts alike. They allow their users and clients to navigate the art market with ease and, through our marketplace, buy and sell with confidence.

They provide users with the clearest picture of an ever-changing art world and are the leading global destination for art, with more than 60 million users annually.



Google Arts & Culture offers over 2000 museums at your fingertips. It’s an immersive way to explore art, history and wonders of the world; Van Gogh’s paintings or Mandela’s prison cell. The Google Arts & Culture app is free and available on web, iOS and Android.

Since 2011, the Google Arts & Culture team has collaborated in innovative ways with a variety of cultural institutions. The team focuses on technologies that help preserve and share culture, helping curators create engaging online and offline exhibitions within museums. You can find out about their latest projects on the official Google Keyword blog.



Founded in 1990, UPF is a public university, located in the city of Barcelona, highly competitive in research and with a vocation for educational transformation to respond to the challenges of the future.

In a context marked by great global challenges, UPF assumes an unavoidable commitment as a university institution: to contribute to the search for solutions to the great challenges facing humanity and the planet, which are embodied in the Benestar Planetari initiative.

The Department of Communication at University Pompeu Fabra co-organizes with Sónar the +RAIN Film Festival, Europe’s pioneering festival of films generated using artificial intelligence.
